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Governing Board Vacancy- Applications Now Open



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Creating Bright Futures

Developing in our children the knowledge, skills, and character to achieve academic excellence, personal growth, and success in a safe, positive environment.

Each Laveen school offers a specialized program. Find the school that suits your child the best.
The Laveen District is proud of the number of awards our students, staff, and schools have received.
Community Partnerships
Laveen partners with local communities and organizations
Your Taxes at Work
Laveen's teacher salaries exceed the state average. See how your tax dollars are being spent in a variety of areas.


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Why choose Laveen?


Located in the southwest valley, the Laveen Elementary School District serves over 7,000 students in grades kindergarten through eighth across ten schools. Laveen offers a complete curriculum that is aligned to the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. Laveen is proud of its 1:1 student to computing device ratio to further support student achievement. In addition to offering art, PE, and music, each of our nine schools offer a spotlight program that further meets the needs of their students. Find out more on our “Choose Laveen” page.

Laveen is creating bright futures!

See how Laveen Schools are providing an exceptional educational experience for all students.